So you are a lvl 50 mage wanting to be a warlock? Here goes…

First Quest: Disenchantment of a Warlock
Talk to Pascal Vistierre to recieve the first quest.
Open your map and go to temple of flox to talk to Andelique
Go to Eduardo Concert hall (BEHIND THE HALL, NOT IN THE HALL), click on the lump of moonstone, Go back and talk to Andelique.

Second Quest: Magicians Scale
Go back to Montt, talk to magicians scale as instructed.
Go to Limestone foothill and kill 50 paragon guardsmen
Back to montt talk to magicians scale again
Now go to gathering hall, and ride to Serpenter Swamp.
You can find those calips deep at the middle of the swamp, they hit hard.

Third Quest: Grand counselor Lazesus.
Go to pine plateau and ride east all the way till the next map and you will see the NPC.
Heres the fun part, but im going to spoil it anyways. (Memo is in ur invent) and make some elixirs, u will need it.
1rst tongue : Temple of flox beside Adelique
2nd: Altar of Roha : Behind huge statue.
3rd: Temple of Silva : On the platform, do yourself a favor, ask for almighty and barriers.

Fourth Quest:The foe Devtorre
Go to limestone
Go to the north map and head to Myrtle woods, bind urself incase.
Stick to western wall and go south, u will see them, easy kills.

Fifth Quest: Entrusted Future
Port to dwarfhill using stones in GH,
Go to H5 coordinates and kill it.

Congrat's Finally you are now Warlock!


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